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Pancreas transplant outcomes for United States (US) cases reported to the United Network for Org
As of October 2000, > 15,000 pancreas transplant had been reported to the IPTR, > 11,000 in the US and > 4,000 outside the US. An era
Analysis of United States (US) and non-US pancreas transplants reported to the United network fo
As of October 10, 2001, > 17,000 pancreas transplant had been reported to the IPTR, > 11,500 in the US and > 4,700 outside the US. An
#metoo in China: visceral accounts of rape culture, a non-domestic feminist counterpublic, and n
ABSTRACTSince its emergence in January 2018, the Chinese #MeToo movement has mobilized #MeToo, #RiceBunny, and other hashtags on Weibo
#metoo in China: visceral accounts of rape culture, a non-domestic feminist counterpublic, and n
ABSTRACTSince its emergence in January 2018, the Chinese #MeToo movement has mobilized #MeToo, #RiceBunny, and other hashtags on Weibo
Pancreas transplant outcomes for United States (US) and non-US cases as reported to the United N
As of October 10, 2002, nearly 19,000 pancreas transplants had been reported to the IPTR, approximately 14,000 in the US and approxima
Distal Humerus Fractures: Review of literature, tips, and tricks
Distal humerus fractures represent 2% of all with an increasing incidence 5.7-8.3 per 100,000 persons year 17Nauth A. McKee M.D. Riste
Recuperação de proteina de residuos da desossa mecanica de dorsos de frango e sua utilização
Nesse estudo, residuos provenientes da separacao de dorsos frango sem pele, com teor proteina na faixa 15,9-19,7% e gordura 8,9-11,7%,
Effet du nintédanib sur le déclin de la capacité vitale forcée (CVF) chez les patients attei
Le système de stadification GAP a été développé pour prédire la mortalité des patients atteints fibrose pulmonaire idiopathique
Anomali Bahasa Tulis pada Teks Deskripsi Siswa SMP Negeri 2 Jatisrono
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pengimplementasian bahasa Indonesia yang belum sesuai kaidah. Secara universal penelitian bertuju
Anomali Bahasa Tulis pada Teks Deskripsi Siswa SMP Negeri 2 Jatisrono
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pengimplementasian bahasa Indonesia yang belum sesuai kaidah. Secara universal penelitian bertuju
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